
Need inspiration?

Walk Jette-Ganshoren

8.1 km

Nice walk but I felt that I wasn't REALLY in the middle of nature. Urbanization nearby, presence of the highway, etc. wa... read more

10 0 0/5

Jan Theunis

Bree, Belgium

Hiking in Limburg

19.2 km

Parking: Bree bus station/school complex; Baron de Taxislaan. Signage: Walks in Limburg: Combination of "Valley of the I... read more

140 0 0/5

Jan Theunis

Meerhout, Belgium

Lazy Farm Meerhout

8.2 km

Parking: Luihoeve, Bredestraat 62 Meerhout Signposting: Junction points Alternating forest paths and paved roads, you wa... read more

730 0 0/5