

46.9 km • Leuven

Icon official route official route

2.2111 5 3.6/5

46.9 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Badge of official route

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Grote Markt, 3000 Leuven

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route Voervalleiroute
© Lander Loeckx

Icon description route Description

The Voer Valley takes you out of town past princely castles, a thousand-year-old church with an imperial secret, a ducal hunting domain and a royal Africamuseum. A surprisingly green tour of noble allure. Be sure to pop into the renovated AfricaMuseum.

This route passes through the municipalities of Leuven, Bertem, Tervuren and Huldenberg.
This bicycle route is offered by Tourism Flemish Brabant.

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Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 10
0 km
Image node TP
0.2 km
Image node 74
2.7 km
Image node 75
3.1 km
Image node 13
4.7 km
Image node 14
6.8 km
Image node 18
11.5 km
Image node 19
12.7 km
Image node 45
15 km
Image node 46
16.8 km
Image node TP
18.1 km
Image node 61
18.4 km
Image node 60
20.6 km
Image node 25
23.3 km
Image node 57
23.6 km
Image node 58
25.3 km
Image node 27
26.6 km
Image node 7
28.5 km
Image node 4
30.8 km
Image node 59
33.1 km
Image node 3
36 km
Image node 2
38.1 km
Image node 13
42 km
Image node 75
43.7 km
Image node 74
44 km
Image node TP
46.6 km
Image node 10
46.8 km
This route has 5 review(s).
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Thursday, July 21, 2022 by Vera Van Hoof - TheysSometimes tough level differences (with sometimes dalliances on gravel paths) / Regularly through village centers / The cobbled roads were not too bad / Did a nice café (fan café of Remco Evenepoel) / Beautiful landscapes and distant views / Was a tough ride , but definitely worth it.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 by F.C.The first half of the route there is not much nature and you actually cycle almost all the time through villages, which I liked less, although that is personal of course. Another commenter writes that there are enórm many stretches of kasei but that wasn't too bad in my opinion. Also, I did cycle 47km.
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Thursday, May 21, 2020 by A.V.Beautiful idyllic landscapes, in some places time had stood still. Beautiful cobblestone lanes cycling not so easy, but certainly preserved. We did not know that enter so beautiful. Small confusion at node 60,
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Sunday, April 19, 2020 by K.V.This route, where do I even start? We started from node 10 and fortunately we know our way around downtown Leuven a bit. The signage from junction 10 to 13 is terrible! Towards Heverlee and around the Sportkot there are no signs at all to guide you. We wanted to turn back long before we even started the bike ride because we were so discouraged. Once we left Heverlee, everything went a little better. What you also have to take into account is that this cycling route includes enórmous cobblestone roads (I think our buttocks and wrists were sore for two days afterwards). Also some very steep hills, where I was glad I was riding electric, and I barely even made it up. The route sends you through the Sonian Forest, and there are no signs there either - when you drive up the hill, turn left at the intersection, so - which makes you think you're driving the wrong way for a long time, because the next sign is a short bike ride away. By the way, it's not a 47km but more like a 53km. Too bad about the confusion and cobblestone roads, because the scenery in itself is beautiful!
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Wednesday, July 10, 2019 by P.F.Beautiful route. Quite a few unpaved sections and stretches of cobblestone road.
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