
Toegankelijke wijnlandschappenroute

40.5 km • Holsbeek

Icon official route official route

2.1990 1 5/5

40.5 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Badge of official route

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Kasteel van Horst, Horststraat 28, 3220 Sint-Pieters-Rode

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is partially signposted with nodes. Use a GPS device or our app to follow the route.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Lander Loeckx

Icon description route Description

Start at Horst Castle and pedal to the Hageland Wine Visitor Center in Wezemaal. Cycle along the foot of Wijngaardberg and Beninksberg, overlooking the vines. Climb the Houwaartseberg and detour briefly to the wine bench for a stunning view. Continue your route to Tielt-Winge and visit the Vlooyberg tower.

This route is offered by Tourism Flemish Brabant

automatic translation

Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 65
0 km
Image node 43
1.7 km
Image node 42
4.8 km
Image node 82
5.9 km
Image node 64
9.4 km
Icon deviation route
9.6 km
Icon deviation route
9.9 km
Icon deviation route
11.4 km
Icon deviation route
12.6 km
Icon deviation route
15.5 km
Image node 44
15.6 km
Image node 8
16.9 km
Image node 46
19.3 km
Icon deviation route
20.2 km
Image node 46
21.1 km
Image node 5
24 km
Image node 24
26.2 km
Image node 73
28.4 km
Image node 73
28.6 km
Icon deviation route
29.6 km
Icon deviation route
30.9 km
Icon deviation route
31.2 km
Icon deviation route
32.3 km
Image node 28
33.3 km
Image node 74
34.2 km
Image node 97
38.4 km
Image node 98
39.5 km
Image node 65
40.4 km

Alternative versions

50.6 km


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This route has 1 review(s).
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Thursday, June 15, 2023 by Christel StasDid this route on a particularly hot day. Super beautiful and at times tough uphill, but breathtaking views and also regularly between the trees which was welcome. There are 2 missing junctions, after 64 you have to follow 63 in Wezemaal and after 73 you have 29 in Tielt at the sports hall.
automatic translation

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Experimental cycling network
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The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual cycling node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

These routes are not controlled in the field. Before you start cycling here, take a minute to read what an experimental cycling node network is and what rules you should follow when cycling here.