

automatic translation

9.5 km • Hoogstraten

Icon official route official route

4970 0 0/5

9.5 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

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Badge of official route

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Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Knooppunt 1, Wortel-Kolonie, Bezoekerscentrum De Klapekster, Kolonie 41, 2323 Wortel

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Toerisme Provincie Antwerpen

Icon description route Description

The Bootjesven trail in the midst of Unesco World Heritage starts at Visitors Center De Klapekster in Wortel-Kolonie. From there you walk around Hoogstraten's most famous fen, which was created by peat extraction. Today it is home to numerous water birds and is the ideal place for a picnic. The three-municipality point was provided with a beautiful monument with a resting point. Here you can enjoy the landscape and silence even more.

automatic translation

Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 1
0 km
Image node 2
0.6 km
Image node 89
0.9 km
Image node 6
1.2 km
Image node 62
2.3 km
Image node 57
2.6 km
Image node 58
3 km
Image node 55
3.2 km
Image node 38
4.6 km
Image node 40
4.7 km
Image node 44
5 km
Image node 45
5.5 km
Image node 60
6.2 km
Image node 60
6.2 km
Image node 20
6.6 km
Image node 41
7.1 km
Image node 5
7.7 km
Image node 4
8 km
Image node 3
8.2 km
Image node 18
9 km
Image node 1
9.7 km
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Experimental hiking network
Unsigned icon

The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual hiking node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

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