
A wet and dry

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13.3 km • Geel

Icon official route official route

2.1060 2 2.5/5

13.3 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

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Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Kemeldijk 18, 2440 Geel

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The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route A wet and dry
© Toerisme Provincie Antwerpen (Mie De Backer)

Icon description route Description

In the southeast of Geel, the Grote Nete meanders languidly between the fields in nature reserve Malesbroek. It comprises no less than 100 hectares of water landscape that is biologically valuable. At its center is a large, shallow pond: a remnant of former peat extraction. In Malesbroek, dry sandy ridges with coniferous forests and heath flow into a rugged stream valley with reed beds and swamp forests ~the favorite biotope of numerous bird species.
The short walk counts 5.8 kilometers. Can it be a little more? Then take the one of 13 kilometers. Rep yourself to bustling Geel for a landscape walk on the remnants of peat extraction. And don't forget your boots and binoculars!

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Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 78
0 km
Image node 63
0.5 km
Image node 62
1 km
Image node 72
1.6 km
Image node 73
1.9 km
Image node 68
3.9 km
Image node 67
6.1 km
Image node 38
7.4 km
Image node 38
7.6 km
Image node 21
8.4 km
Image node 69
11.5 km
Image node 70
11.7 km
Image node 63
12.7 km
Image node 78
13.2 km
This route has 2 review(s).
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Tuesday, March 23, 2021 by L.M.Seen some very nice bits of nature but we also walked a lot along narrow, busy streets.
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Saturday, March 20, 2021 by G.V.Too bad there are still a bit many junctions on hard roads where there is also some moving traffic. As a result, you have to walk in good succession. The junctions on unpaved roads are highly recommended. It is not a trail that I would immediately recommend because of the traffic you have to take into account.
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