

7.8 km • Lubbeek

Icon official route official route

2.2201 0 0/5

7.8 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

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Badge of official route

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Sint-Kwintenkerk, Martelarenplaats, 3210 Linden (Lubbeek)

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Lander Loeckx

Icon description route Description

Step among the many beeches of the Linden forest and leave the forest along the Kortrijkstraat, a deep hollow road with a wooden walkway on its steep wall. Enjoy the high Hageland ridges with their endless vistas and re-breathe in the Chartreuzenbos.

automatic translation

Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 5
0 km
Image node 51
0.3 km
Image node 53
0.8 km
Image node 55
1.3 km
Image node 56
1.5 km
Image node 47
2.7 km
Image node 19
4.8 km
Image node 18
5.2 km
Image node 111
5.6 km
Image node 54
7.1 km
Image node 51
7.4 km
Image node 5
7.7 km
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Experimental hiking network
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The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual hiking node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

These routes are not controlled in the field. Before you start hiking here, take a minute to read what an experimental hiking node network is and what rules you should follow when hiking here.