7.8 km • Lubbeek
official route
2.2201 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Sint-Kwintenkerk, Martelarenplaats, 3210 Linden (Lubbeek)
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
Step among the many beeches of the Linden forest and leave the forest along the Kortrijkstraat, a deep hollow road with a wooden walkway on its steep wall. Enjoy the high Hageland ridges with their endless vistas and re-breathe in the Chartreuzenbos.
automatic translation
nodes to follow
0 km
0.3 km
0.8 km
1.3 km
1.5 km
2.7 km
4.8 km
5.2 km
5.6 km
7.1 km
7.4 km
7.7 km