

8.5 km • Ternat

Icon official route official route

5640 2 1.8/5

8.5 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Badge of official route

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Sportcentrum Ternat, Van Cauwelaertstraat 40, 1740 Ternat

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is signposted with thematic signs (no nodes). You can use a GPS device or our app to follow the route through the virtual nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Lander Loeckx

Icon description route Description

The Castles Walk is a brisk walk that takes you past the pretty farms and mighty castles in Ternat and Sint-Katherina-Lombeek. Admire the graceful Kasteel Kruikenburg, Kasteel de Mot, the water mill of Ophalfene, Kasteel Terlinden and Hof ten Bieshoven. You'll walk along the Dreef, one of the oldest streets in Ternat and also the setting for recordings of the VRT television series Thuis. This walk is signposted with a 6-sided sign with the name Castles Walk.

This walk is offered by Tourism Flemish Brabant.

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Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node TP
0 km
Image node 50
0.2 km
Image node 5
1.3 km
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1.3 km
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2.3 km
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2.5 km
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3.1 km
Image node 529
4.2 km
Image node 530
4.8 km
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5.4 km
Image node 532
6.1 km
Image node 527
7.6 km
Image node 528
8.2 km
Image node 50
8.6 km
Image node TP
8.8 km
This route has 2 review(s).
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Monday, November 1, 2021 by alain van nieuwenhuyzeNo castle passed, low stand a water mill. So the description is completely beside the point, therefore only 1 star given
automatic translation

Saturday, July 18, 2020 by J.D.I wonder why it is called "Castles Hiking Trail" , no castle seen, but a castle domain where you maybe in winter, when the trees are bare a glimpse of the castle can catch, otherwise this walk has nothing special
automatic translation

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The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual hiking node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

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