

11.4 km • Zoutleeuw

Icon official route official route

1.0580 2 4.5/5

11.4 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Badge of official route

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Provinciedomein Het Vinne, Ossenwegstraat 70, 3440 Zoutleeuw

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Lander Loeckx

Icon description route Description

A walk through centuries of history and the wonderful nature of Zoutleeuw. You start at the provincial park Het Vinne, Flanders' largest natural inland lake. Along boardwalks, shelters and observation towers you will discover the enormous diversity of water-related fauna and flora. Via the IJzerenweg, you head towards the Grote Markt in Zoutleeuw, a gem with the Gothic town hall, the Cloth Hall and the Sint-Leonardus church.

This walk is offered by Tourism Flemish Brabant.

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Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 304
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Image node 307
0.1 km
Image node 306
0.6 km
Image node 344
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2.7 km
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3.1 km
Image node 310
4.5 km
Image node 36
5.7 km
Image node 35
6 km
Image node 31
6.4 km
Image node 3
6.6 km
Image node 37
6.9 km
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7.6 km
Image node 30
8 km
Image node 32
9.1 km
Image node 33
9.4 km
Image node 309
10.2 km
Image node 308
10.4 km
Image node 307
11.3 km
This route has 2 review(s).
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Friday, April 16, 2021 by G.V.Very nice, quiet and varied hike, mostly along unpaved roads. Well signposted with junctions. Beautiful views of Het Vinne, orchards and you also come into the lovely center of Zoutleeuw. Along the way some bird-watching huts and benches for picnics. At start and finish a toilet and playground. Really enjoyed it!
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Sunday, November 8, 2020 by J.M.Very nice and quiet walk in a beautiful natural environment and along the beautiful center of Zoutleeuw. Recreation domain 'Het Vinne' was dry (8/11/2020) due to works. From Easter 2021 there would be water again in this large pond. I really enjoyed it. This hike provides plenty of resting places (wooden benches).
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