
Goesdorf: sporty walk

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10.5 km • Goesdorf

20 0 0/5

10.5 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Eddy & Rita

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Op Der Virstad 19, 9653 Goesdorf, LU

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The route is not signposted. Use a GPS device or our app to follow the route.

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route Goesdorf: sporty walk Atmosphere image 2 of route Goesdorf: sporty walk Atmosphere image 3 of route Goesdorf: sporty walk
© Eddy & Rita

Icon description route Description

This unmarked walk starts at the administrative center in Goesdorf.

Take a GPS track and/or map with you. After crossing the CR321, follow the paved road 'Um Weisse Steen' and start the walk clockwise. You will reach the CR321 again, turn left and immediately follow the MTB route Goesdorf.

The route continues to Dahl, past the 'Château d'Eau de Dahl' and the Saint-Vincent church. Then you will enter the valley of the 'Delerbaach' and pass by Bockholtz. In Bockholtz, follow the MTB route Goesdorf a bit further, past the Saint Valentin church.

From Bockholtz, climb back to the starting point. Enjoy the beautiful views and nature during this sporty walk.

Happy walking!
Eddy, Rita and Prinske

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The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual hiking node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

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