
Auto-pedestrian Boxhorn

automatic translation

11.9 km • Wincrange

10 0 0/5

11.9 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Eddy & Rita

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Am Eck 13, 9742 Wincrange, LU

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with thematic signs (no nodes).

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route Auto-pedestrian Boxhorn Atmosphere image 2 of route Auto-pedestrian Boxhorn Atmosphere image 3 of route Auto-pedestrian Boxhorn
© Eddy & Rita

Icon description route Description

Markings in two directions: blue diamond on a white background.

You can park at 'Boxhorn' or at the 'watermill of Asselborn'. A beautiful walk with about half paved roads.

Descending into the valley of the ‘Trëtterbach’, we pass by a monument (plane wreck) from the Second World War. Via a paved road, we ascend to a plateau to descend again into the valley of the ‘Trëtterbach’, which we then follow for a considerable time until the ‘watermill of Asselborn’.

We ascend again on unpaved roads until we arrive back at ‘Boxhorn’.

More photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Wf14FRSJRkA4q7SeA

Happy walking,
Eddy, Rita, and Prinske

automatic translation

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Image node 400
4.9 km
Image node 954
5.9 km
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11.3 km
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11.9 km
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