
Geetbets: Aronsthoek = wet feet

automatic translation

16.9 km • Geetbets

260 0 0/5

16.9 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Eddy & Rita

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Dorpsstraat 33A, 3450 Geetbets, BE

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route Geetbets: Aronsthoek = wet feet Atmosphere image 2 of route Geetbets: Aronsthoek = wet feet Atmosphere image 3 of route Geetbets: Aronsthoek = wet feet
© Eddy & Rita

Icon description route Description

To plot this walk, we mainly used the junction network.

Between KP 45 and 415, we temporarily left the KP network to enjoy the adventurous loop of the walk “nature reserve Aronsthoek”. It is a beautiful piece of nature with grazing Galloway cattle. Aronsthoek is a very wet nature reserve. During the winter months and with persistent rain, the area can become completely flooded. Walking is then strongly discouraged. Even with appropriate footwear (boots), the area is then inaccessible. Everywhere it is visible that the land around Geetbets is flood-prone.

Furthermore, one passes through the beautiful "Warandebos" during the walk. The "castle of Bets" is also worth a visit.

In short, a beautiful varied walk with here and there some low-traffic paved roads.

More photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vvgnk1Hd8qQ4NsDu6

Happy walking,

Eddy, Rita and Prinske

automatic translation

Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 4
0 km
Image node 45
0.4 km
Image node TP
1.3 km
Icon deviation route
1.7 km
Icon deviation route
2.1 km
Image node 415
3.4 km
Image node 415
3.4 km
Image node 416
3.6 km
Image node 417
4.4 km
Image node 418
5 km
Image node 419
5.1 km
Image node 411
5.8 km
Image node 414
6.5 km
Image node 410
8.8 km
Image node 409
11.7 km
Image node 435
12.7 km
Image node 405
13.3 km
Image node 406
13.9 km
Image node 403
14.9 km
Image node 402
15 km
Image node 43
15.7 km
Image node 429
16.5 km
Image node 40
16.6 km
Image node 40
16.6 km
Image node 4
16.9 km
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