
Auto-pedestrian Steinfort

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8.9 km • Steinfort

90 0 0/5

8.9 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

route offered by

Eddy & Rita

Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Rue De l'Hôpital 6, 8423 Steinfort, LU

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with thematic signs (no nodes).

5m 5m 5m 5m
Atmosphere image 1 of route Auto-pedestrian Steinfort Atmosphere image 2 of route Auto-pedestrian Steinfort Atmosphere image 3 of route Auto-pedestrian Steinfort
© Eddy & Rita

Icon description route Description

‘Steinfort’ is a small village located at the Luxembourg-Belgian border. The small river ‘Eisch’ largely forms the border. In various places, we can see old border posts.

We follow the ‘Eisch’ for over 5 km, first on the Luxembourg side and then from the ‘Clair Fontaine Monastery’, we walk along the river on the Belgian side on the other bank back towards ‘Steinfort’.

During this walk, we pass an old dam that is no longer in use. Nice easy walk, well-suited for children. During rainy weather and in winter, it can be quite muddy.

More photos: https://goo.gl/photos/Z78j43YR4eBP9UGb7

Happy walking,
Eddy, Rita, and Prinske

automatic translation

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8.9 km
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