Kinderen Baas in Webbekoms Broek
3.3 km • Diest
official route
5241 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Parking aan Omer Vanaudenhovenlaan 48, 3290 Diest
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
At the Webbekoms Broek visitor center, a (totem of) a beaver welcomes you and invites you on the hike. During this adventurous hike you can compete with the animals, but you will also encounter unusual species. Do you see the stork poles? Little birds are born here in recent years! The beaver has its lodge in the river and horses graze on the pasture. Finally, on the ramparts you will find the Farmers' War Square with the Demer retreat "the cannons," where you can have a nice picnic with a view of the Demer.
automatic translation
nodes to follow
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