Verborgen Verledenroute
31.8 km • Hoegaarden
official route
5161 0 0/5
Addresse starting point (approximate)
Gemeenteplein, Hoegaarden
The route is fully signposted with nodes.
This route takes you past landscape beacons that make heritage visible again: from the see-through plane on a former airport to the hypocaust on the remains of a Roman villa. Discover the history of the first railroad tunnel on the mainland.
This route was developed for Open Monument Day 2024 by Tourism Flemish Brabant and Herita. For some activities the route deviates from the nodes; there you follow the local signage of Open Monument Day.
automatic translation
nodes to follow
0 km
0 km
4.4 km
5.7 km
10.2 km
14.5 km
15.3 km
17.5 km
19.3 km
20.2 km
20.2 km
20.8 km
21.2 km
23.3 km
26.2 km
28.3 km
29.9 km
30.4 km
31.6 km
31.7 km