
Cycling through a mosaic of ponds

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62.8 km • Zonhoven

Icon official route official route

7260 2 4.2/5

62.8 km 0.0 km 0.0 km

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Icon starting point Addresse starting point (approximate)

Donderslag 32, 3520 Zonhoven

Icon type signage of route signage

The route is fully signposted with nodes.

5m 5m 5m 5m
© Toerisme Limburg

Icon description route Description

On this flat route you will discover mining heritage and the domains of De Wijers. You start in De Teut where the old coal railroad takes you towards Zonhoven, the green heart of De Wijers. From there it continues to Bokrijk where you cycle through the water. Before you know it, you're in Domein Kiewit, where you can take a break on the pleasant terrace and the kids run to the petting zoo and playground. You then cycle along the Albert Canal to the Herkenrode Abbey site. What follows is even more beautiful nature: ponds, fens, dunes, woods and heathland,... as far as you can see.

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Icon nodes to follow nodes to follow

Image node 305
0 km
Image node 92
4.9 km
Image node 71
5.9 km
Image node 242
6.9 km
Image node 243
8.6 km
Image node 91
10.4 km
Image node 95
20.8 km
Image node 237
23.6 km
Image node 94
27 km
Image node 93
27.8 km
Image node 301
33.9 km
Image node 301
33.9 km
Image node 300
35.6 km
Image node 316
38.7 km
Image node 317
43.8 km
Image node 75
48.4 km
Image node 74
54.7 km
Image node 79
56.3 km
Image node 305
62.6 km
This route has 2 review(s).
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 by R.S.Junction 305(start) is located 3 km. from parking Teut 2, the parking indicated by waze at the address "start place". To reach 305, leave this parking and turn left onto the main road, follow it (approx. 500m.) until it is crossed by the "bicycle path" connecting Junction 79 to 305= turn right and you are on the right road. Adopted on 10-08-22
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Saturday, July 16, 2022 by Lieve Willemshalokes. We are happy to give many stars to this ride. Very quiet enough stops and very nice places. Even touristy like bokrijk , through the water , the watchtower , bird watchers hut , abbey of recognizrode . you can amuse yourself for a whole day on this ride . success
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The route you have chosen runs (partly) along an experimental virtual cycling node network (the blue-coloured nodes and sections on the map).

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